Wednesday, November 13, 2013

End-term updates

Hi all,

Update: R tutorial announcement:

22-Nov Friday 4-6 pm at AC8 LT (tentatively). Will get a venue confirmation and update here. Would be nice if every group is represented at the tutorial.


1. Exam related Cases:

There are two full-length cases in your course-pack: The 'Coop' case, and 'The Fashion Channel' case.

At least one of these two cases will feature in the end-term exam. I'd rather you not try to read the case for the first time in the exam hall. Pls read them at home beforehand.

Preferably, discuss them in a group on the lines of the following Qs:

  • What is the management problem? Describe also the major symptoms.
  • What are some of the likely decision problems (DPs) that emerge based on the management problem?
  • List a few research objectives (R.O.s) that emerge based on the DPs.

2. End-term exam pattern Notes

  • There are a total of 50 Qs, 2 marks each.
  • The Qs are broken down into 8 Question-sets, each having tables or figures and Qs based on them
  • The Qs are all short-answer - True/False, fill-in-the-blanks, write expression for ...., name these factors, type of stuff.
  • If any Q comes from any pre-read, the concerned pre-read will be specified in the Q itself. So bring your course-pack to the exam. Not all pre-reads are relevant, only the ones I've specifically asked you to read. Properly speaking, those pre-reads are a part of the course.
  • Nothing that was not covered in class will show up anywhere in the exam.
  • At least one question set relates to a full-length case (see above)
  • Time will not be a problem - you'll have 150 minutes for a 120 minute paper.

Pls use the comments section to this post for any Q&A so that it is visible to the class at large.

See you in class for our last classroom meeting. Any feedback you have on how to improve any aspect the course etc is welcome at any time.

3. R tutorial and R in your resume:

From the project point of view, if you want an R tutorial at anytime between now and 24-Nov (when I leave for Mohali), pls let me know. A quorom of minimum 5 people must signup for the tutorial which can go as technical as the attendees want. Ideally, one person from each project group would attend.

If you want to include R in your resume, then provided that you have made a good-faith attempt at installing and running R for your HWs, provided that you intend to continue to invest in R going forward and provided that you have been able to read the code sent and get a "sense" of the analysis, pls consider amending and using any relevant subset of the following (as applicable):

  • State what you have done w.r.t R:
  • Have developed a familiarity with the R environment
  • Have used R to apply and analyze a wide variety of Mktg Research tools (from structured hypothesis testing to text analytics and social media analysis)
  • Have gained some understanding of the flexibility and extensibility of the system (installing and using packages and interfaces with external repositaries)
  • Have analyzed a full credit course project on the platform
  • State what you will do going forward:
  • Intend to continue investing in and developing greater insights into the R platform
  • Are attracted by the low-cost, license-free unrestricted use terms and rapid-analysis capabilities of the open-source platform
  • Believe in R's promise of substantially expanding enterprise analytics capabilities while keeping a tight lid on costs
  • Believe in the philosophy of collaborative design, rapid rollout and innate scale-ability
  • Bottomline: are convinced of R's compelling cost/benefit calculus for delivering enormous value to the organization

Again, folks, ensure that *only* that subset that applies to you in a bona fide way is used for your statements of purpose, on the resume etc. Making false claims has a habit of coming back to bite you at inconvenient times.

Good luck for the exam and going fwd for the placements as well.



  1. Hi All

    My exams get over on 20th Nov. I am ok with any time between 21st and 24th for the R tutorial. Please suggest your convenient slots


    1. Sure, Am thinking of 22-Nov Friday 4-6 pm. Will try to get Ac8 booked (as it has R installed already, etc.)

      Would be nice if each project group had representation in the Tutorial.


  2. Will it be possible for you to share the questions and answer keys for Quick checks for each session. They can help us prepare well for the exam.


    1. Hi Mahima,

      I haven;t prepared the solutions, hence their non-release. If you have specific queries about the exam, pls quote those Qs here and I can try to help.



Constructive feedback appreciated. Please try to be civil, as far as feasible. Thanks.