Monday, December 16, 2013

Session 6 Updates

Hi all,

Session 6 covers two main ways to map perceptual data - (i) using the attribute ratings (AR) method to create p-maps and joint-space maps (JSMs), and (ii) using the overall similarity (OS) approach to create multidimensional scaling (MDS) maps.

We also saw some 101 stuff on positioning, definitional terms, common positioning strategies etc. The point was to get you thinking on how the mapping process could throw insights onto positioning in general, which strategy to adopt based on what criteria etc.

OK, next, what will follow is the code and snapshots of the plots that emerge from the classwork examples I did. Again, you are strongly encouraged to replicate the classwork examples at home. Copy-paste a only a few lines of code at a time after reading the comments next to each line of code.

{P.S.- the statements following a '#' are for documentation purposes only and aren't executed}.So, without further ado, let us start right away:


1. Simple Data Visualization using biplots: USArrests example.

We use USArrests data (inbuilt R dataset) to see how it can be visualized in 2 dimensions. Just copy-paste the code below onto the R console [Hit 'enter' after the last line]. Need to install package "MASS". Don't reinstall if you have already installed it previously. A package once installed lasts forever.

rm(list = ls()) # clear workspace

install.packages("MASS") # install MASS package

mydata = USArrests # USArrests is an inbuilt dataset = princomp(mydata, cor=TRUE) # princomp() is core func summary( # summarize the object

biplot( # plot the object

abline(h=0); abline(v=0) # draw horiz and vertical axes

This is what the plot should look like. Click on image for larger view.

2. Code for making Joint Space maps:

I have coded a user-defined function called JSM in R. You can use it whenever you need to make joint space maps provided just by invoking the function. All it requires to work is a perceptions table and a preference rating table. First copy-paste the entire block of code below onto your R console. Those interested in reading the code, pls copy-paste line-by-line. I have put explanations in comments ('#') for what the code is doing.

## --- Build func to run simple perceptual maps --- ##

JSM = function(inp1, prefs){ #JSM() func opens

# inp1 = perception matrix with row and column headers
# brands in rows and attributes in columns
# prefs = preferences matrix

par(pty="s") # set square plotting region

fit = prcomp(inp1, scale.=TRUE) # extract prin compts

plot(fit$rotation[,1:2], # use only top 2 prinComps

type ="n", xlim=c(-1.5,1.5), ylim=c(-1.5,1.5), # plot parms

main ="Joint Space map - Home-brew on R") # plot title

abline(h=0); abline(v=0) # build horiz and vert axes

attribnames = colnames(inp1);

brdnames = rownames(inp1)

# -- insert attrib vectors as arrows --

for (i1 in 1:nrow(fit$rotation)){

arrows(0,0, x1 = fit$rotation[i1,1]*fit$sdev[1],

y1 = fit$rotation[i1,2]*fit$sdev[2], col="blue", lwd=1.5);

text(x = fit$rotation[i1,1]*fit$sdev[1], y = fit$rotation[i1,2]*fit$sdev[2],

labels = attribnames[i1],col="blue", cex=1.1)}

# --- make co-ords within (-1,1) frame --- #

fit1=fit; fit1$x[,1]=fit$x[,1]/apply(abs(fit$x),2,sum)[1]


points(x=fit1$x[,1], y=fit1$x[,2], pch=19, col="red")

text(x=fit1$x[,1], y=fit1$x[,2], labels=brdnames, col="black", cex=1.1)

# --- add preferences to map ---#

k1 = 2; #scale-down factor

pref = data.matrix(prefs)# make data compatible

pref1 = pref %*% fit1$x[,1:2];

for (i1 in 1:nrow(pref1)){

segments(0, 0, x1 = pref1[i1,1]/k1, y1 = pref1[i1,2]/k1, col="maroon2", lwd=1.25);

points(x = pref1[i1,1]/k1, y = pref1[i1,2]/k1, pch=19, col="maroon2");

text(x = pref1[i1,1]/k1, y = pref1[i1,2]/k1, labels = rownames(pref)[i1], adj = c(0.5, 0.5), col ="maroon2", cex = 1.1)}

# voila, we're done! #

} # JSM() func ends

3. OfficeStar MEXL example done on R

Goto LMS folder 'Session 6 files'. The file 'R code officestar.txt' contains the code (which I've broken up into chunks and annotated below) and the files 'officestar data1.txt' and 'officestar pref data2.txt' contain the average perceptions or attribute table and preferences table respectively.

Step 3a: Read in the attribute table into 'mydata'.

# -- Read in Average Perceptions table -- #

mydata = read.table(file.choose(), header = TRUE)

mydata = t(mydata) #transposing to ease analysis

mydata #view the table read

# extract brand and attribute names #

brdnames = rownames(mydata);

attribnames = colnames(mydata)

Step 3b: Read into R the preferences table into 'prefs'.

# -- Read in preferences table -- #

pref = read.table(file.choose())

dim(pref) #check table dimensions

pref[1:10,] #view first 10 rows

Data reading is done. You should see the data read-in as in the figure above. We can start analysis now. Finally.

Step 3c: Run Analysis

# creating empty pref dataset

pref0 = pref*0; rownames(pref0) = NULL

JSM(mydata, pref0) # p-map without prefs information

The above code will generate a p-map (without the preference vectors). Should look like the image below (click for larger image):

However, to make true joint-space maps (JSMs), wherein the preference vectors are overlaid atop the p-map, run the one line code below:

JSM(mydata, pref)

That is it. That one function call executes the entire JSM sequence. The result can be seen in the image below.

Again, the JSM function is generic and can be applied to *any* dataset in the input format we just saw to make joint space maps from. Am sure you'll leverage the code for animating your project datasets. Let me or Ankit know in case any assistance is needed in this regard.

4. Session 2 survey Data on firm Perceptions:

Lookup LMS folder 'session 6 files'. Save the data and code files to your machine. Data files are 'courses data.txt' for the raw data on perceptions and courses data prefs.txt' for the preference data with student names on it. Now let the games begin.

# read in data

mydata = read.table(file.choose()) # 'courses data.txt'


# I hard coded attribute and brand names

attrib.names = c("Brd.Equity", "career.growth.oppty", "roles.challenges", "remuneration", "overall.preference") brand.names = c("Accenture", "Cognizant", "Citi", "Facebook", "HindLever")

Should you try using your project data or some other dataset, you'll need to enter the brand and attribute names for that dataset in the same order in which they appear in the dataset, separately as given above.I then wrote a simple function, titled 'pmap.inp()' to denote "p-map input", to transform the raw data into a brands-attributes average peceptions table. Note that the below code is specific to the last set of columns being the preferences data.

# construct p-map input matrices using pmap.inp() func

pmap.inp = function(mydata, attrib.names, brand.names){ #> pmap.inp() func opens

a1 = NULL

for (i1 in 1:length(attrib.names)){

start = (i1-1)*length(brand.names)+1; stop = i1*length(brand.names);

a1 = rbind(a1, apply(mydata[,start:stop], 2, mean)) } # i1 loop ends

rownames(a1) = attrib.names; colnames(a1) = brand.names

a1 } # pmap.inp() func ends

a1 = pmap.inp(mydata, attrib.names, brand.names)

The above code should yield the average perceptions table that will look something like this:

And now, we're ready to run the analysis. First the p-map without the prefences and then the full JSM.

# now run the JSM func on data

percep = t(a1[2:nrow(a1),]); percep

# prefs = mydata[, 1:length(brand.names)]

prefs = read.table(file.choose(), header = TRUE) # 'courses data prefs.txt'

prefs1 = prefs*0; rownames(prefs1) = NULL # null preferences doc created

JSM(percep, prefs1) # for p-map sans preferences

Should produce the p-map below: (click for larger image)

And the one-line JSM run:

JSM(percep, prefs) # for p-map with preference data

Should produce the JSM below:

Follow the rest of the HW code given to run segment-wise JSMs in the same fashion.

5. Running JSMs for individuals: (Useful for your HW)

One of your session 6 HW components will require you to make individual level JSMs and compare then with the class average JSMs. Use the following code to get that done:

### --- For Session 6 HW --- ###

# Use code below to draw individual level JSM plots: = c("Sachin") # say, student's name is Sachin

# retain only that row in the raw data which has name 'Sachin'
mydata.test = mydata[(rownames(prefs) ==,]

# run the pmap.inp() func to build avg perceptions table
a1.test = pmap.inp(mydata.test, attrib.names, brand.names)

percep.test = t(a1.test[1:(nrow(a1.test)-1),]);

# introduce a small perturbation lest matrix not be of full rank
percep.test = percep.test + matrix(rnorm(nrow(percep.test)*ncol(percep.test))*0.01, nrow(percep.test), ncol(percep.test));

prefs.test = prefs[(rownames(prefs) ==,]; prefs.test

# run analysis on percep.test and prefs.test
JSM(percep.test, prefs.test)

This is what I got as Mr Sachin's personal JSM:

More generally, change the student name to the one you want and run the above code.

5. Running MDS code with Car Survey Data:

In LMS folder 'session 6 files', the data are in 'mds car data raw v1.txt'. Read it in and follow the instructions here.

# --------------------- #
### --- MDS code ---- ###
# --------------------- #

rm(list = ls()) # clear workspace

mydata = read.table(file.choose(), header = TRUE) # 'mds car data raw.txt'

dim(mydata) # view dimension of the data matrix

brand.names = c("Hyundai", "Honda", "Fiat", "Ford", "Chevrolet", "Toyota", "Nissan", "TataMotors", "MarutiSuzuki")

Note that I have hard-coded the brand names into 'brand.names' If you want to use this MDS code for another dataset (for your project, say) then you'll have to likewise hard-code the brand.names in.Next, I defined a function called run.mds() that takes as input the raw data and the brand names vector, runs the analysis and outputs the MDS map. Cool, or what..

### --- copy-paste MDS func below as a block --- ###

### -------------block starts here ---------------- ###

run.mds = function(mydata, brand.names){

# build distance matrix #

k = length(brand.names);

dmat = matrix(0, k, k);

for (i1 in 1:(k-1)){ a1 = grepl(brand.names[i1], colnames(mydata));

for (i2 in (i1+1):k){a2 = grepl(brand.names[i2], colnames(mydata));
# note use of Regex here

a3 = a1*a2;

a4 = match(1, a3);

dmat[i1, i2] = mean(mydata[, a4]);

dmat[i2, i1] = dmat[i1, i2] } #i2 ends

} # i1 ends

colnames(dmat) = brand.names;

rownames(dmat) = brand.names

### --- run metric MDS --- ###

d = as.dist(dmat)

# Classical MDS into k dimensions #

fit = cmdscale(d,eig=TRUE, k=2) # cmdscale() is core MDS func

fit # view results

# plot solution #

x = fit$points[,1];
y = fit$points[,2];

plot(x, y, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", main="Metric MDS", xlim = c(floor(min(x)), ceiling(max(x))), ylim = c(floor(min(y)), ceiling(max(y))), type="p",pch=19, col="red");

text(x, y, labels = rownames(fit$points), cex=1.1, pos=1);

abline(h=0); abline(v=0)# horiz and vertical lines drawn

} # run.mds func ends

### ---------block ends here-------------------- ###

Time now to finally invoke the run.mds func and get the analysis results:

# run MDS on raw data (before segmenting)

run.mds(mydata, brand.names)

The resulting MDS map looks like this:

OK, that's quite a bit now for classwork replication. Let me know if any code anywhere is not running etc due to any issues.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Professor, I was trying the JSM function code. It is throwing this error:

    + pref1 = pref %*% fit1$x[,1:2]for (i1 in 1:nrow(pref1)){
    Error: unexpected 'for' in:
    pref1 = pref %*% fit1$x[,1:2]for"
    Please suggest changes.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Professor,

    After playing with the code a bit, i figured out the problem. The JSM function code in 5th line from the last is mentioned in the post as :
    "pref1 = pref %*% fit1$x[,1:2]for (i1 in 1:nrow(pref1)){"

    It should be changed to:

    "pref1 = pref %*% fit1$x[,1:2] <- Need a line break here
    for (i1 in 1:nrow(pref1)){"

    Another change in the same function:
    “ # --- make co-ords within (-1,1) frame --- #
    fit1=fitfit1$x[,1]=fit$x[,1]/apply(abs(fit$x),2,sum)[1] “

    should be changed to:
    “ # --- make co-ords within (-1,1) frame --- #
    fit1$x[,1]=fit$x[,1]/apply(abs(fit$x),2,sum)[1] “

    Also, the last line of the function need one more terminating curly brace }.
    The last line should be changed from :
    “ text(x = pref1[i1,1]/k1, y = pref1[i1,2]/k1, labels = rownames(pref)[i1], adj = c(0.5, 0.5), col ="maroon2", cex = 1.1)} “
    “ text(x = pref1[i1,1]/k1, y = pref1[i1,2]/k1, labels = rownames(pref)[i1], adj = c(0.5, 0.5), col ="maroon2", cex = 1.1)}}”

    In point 5.
    MDS function. The second line of code should be changed from
    “ # build distance matrix # k = length(brand.names)”
    “ # build distance matrix #
    k = length(brand.names) “

    Looks to me a blogspot issue wherein the line breaks copied from the R Console are getting lost while publishing.


  5. Hi Vineet,

    Thanks. Yes, line breaks don't automate in HTML. will update the code pasted here.

    However, you're advised to instead use the R code Classwork.txt file I've put up on LMS rather than the one here. That one works fine, we've tested it before sending it out.

    Hope that helps.


  6. Good find Vineet.


    I am not able to locate the Classwork.txt anywhere on LMS. Kindly share the URL please.

    1. Hi Srikant,

      Ankit handles all LMS related work. Let me call and ask him.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. OK> You deleted before I could reply. But hopefully it's because you figured a way out of the problem.



Constructive feedback appreciated. Please try to be civil, as far as feasible. Thanks.