Thursday, November 29, 2012

Notes on Session 2 - Mohali

Hi all,

First off, an affable welcome to the final registrants for MKTR. I hope the course meets your expectations.

Session 2 is done.Kindly bookmark this blog and visit periodically for updates.

1. Re the in-class readings for Session 2, here are the original sources:

Reading 1 - Meet the New Boss: Big Data
Reading 2 - The Unbearable Lightness of Opinion Polls
Readings 3 and 4 - Book excerpts from Malcolm Gladwell's Blink

2. About the homework assignments for session 2:

There are 2 pieces to the homework. Both are straightforward websurvey filling exercises. Here are the websurvey links:

Perceptual Map input using Term IV Core Courses as stimuli

Multidimensional Scaling Map Input

   The first websurvey basically collects data from you on what we call Attribute Ratings (AR) based perceptual mapping, to be used in Session 4. It contains a small section with open-ended Qs on general MKTR topics. The external speaker, Mr Sanjay Datta of ITC, has asked for this information to incorporate into his talk. He will speak about the real-world MKTR apps on Friday, 7-Dec, 3-5 pm.

          The second websurvey collects data using the Overall Similarity (OS) method to perform percpetual mapping, again in session 4. Both additionally feature a psychographics section. Please fill out *both* surveys sincerely. I expect no more than 15-20 minutes per survey. 


3. The AA Mr Ankit Anand tells me that some students have ignored the seating arrangement and the name-tags requirement while in class. This is causing issues with attendance and CP marking, both grade-bearing components in this course. Henceforth, pls stick to the seating chart and use your name-tags. Folks not following these instructions risk losing some attendance and CP marks.


4. Pls use the poll adjacent and vote on our choice. I'm told that ASA exressedly forbids changes to the grading scheme after session 1. So no guarantees anything will change should you vote against the end-term. FYI, the end-term is open-notes and short-answer/MCQs based (much like the pre-reads quiz sample you saw in class today). So it is designed to not be burdensome, anyhow.


5. For those curious to know what is coming up in Session 3, here's a blog post on session 3 topics from last time on Session 3. Not much has changed since then. I'll make a new blog post for session 3 Mohali with tags 'Mohali' and '2012' to make it easier to search. The above blog post contains a gentle introduction to R, some R code to start with and so on.   


OK, That's all from me for now. Will see you all in session 3 then.



  1. Thank you sir! The R primer is excellent!

  2. Hi Professor

    Can we get the handouts with updated content after class?

  3. Hi Anon,

    Pls write your name to sign off your comment (so I can feel like I'm talking with a real person).

    Hard-copies of (blue-font) slides absent in your class hand-outs will be distributed as an Addendum in Session 4.

    Sorry about the delay.



Constructive feedback appreciated. Please try to be civil, as far as feasible. Thanks.