Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Pre-reads for Sessions 8 and 9

Hi all,

A few quick announcements.

There's been a change in session schedule. I'm swapping sessions 8 and 9.

So, next we'll have Network Analytics, which was originally session 9 (and now will be session 8).


Pre-reads for session 8 network analytics:

There are two, both from McKinsey Quarterly.

The first is an article called "Demystifying Social Media" from April 2012. Pls free-register with the site to download a PDF.

Optional: The second is a 12-minute video, again from McKinsey on "Making sense of Social Media".

More McKinsey speak on their Social Media Marketing framework.

Worth a quick watch, if you want to further explore the themes that came up in the first pre-read above.


Pre-read for Session 9: Hypothesis-testing and Experimentation

Reading No. 9 "How to design smart business experiments" in the coursepack.

Special Reading for Today's regression piece.

I did get the sense that folks weren't entirely comfortable with the basic regression part in today's class.

As a refresher to your stats core, pls consider reading the first few pages of reading no. 12 in your coursepack "Practical regression - regression basics".

I hope that helps.


Announcement: R tutorial

Will be held in AC4 7-8 pm on Thursday, 25-Sept. (pending venue confirmation).

Plan is to walk you through basic input-output and help functions in R.

Any and all Qs and doubts and installation and implementation and execution issues are fair game.


Running the tm.plugin.webmining package for session 5 homework.

Several folks have contacted me with issues in running this.

Pls ensure you have tm and tm.plugin.webmining installed.

Further, run the code on base R and not on Rstudio.

I've updated the code in session 5 HW blog post.



  1. Thank you Professor for an excellent session today on Network Analytics. For those of us who are totally thrilled with the power of social and economic networks and may want to read/learn more about it, I came across this course available online which goes deep divev into social and economic network - models and analysis- https://www.coursera.org/course/networksonline

    Since the course has just started, it will be easy to pickup.

    Best Regards,
    Aniket Baheti, Section B, ISB


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