Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Phase III: The way forward


The last of the traditional lectures for the last of the sections are done. The only thing remaining is the course project phase III. Some guidelines on what to expect and do:

1. In each section, the order in which groups will present will be randomly drawn. About 5, at most 6 group presentations can be accommodated in lec 10 class time itself. The other groups shall be given time slots to present between 7.30 and 9.30 pm at the AC2 LT/ MLT or NMLT on the same day as their lecture 10.

2. The time between the start of 2 consecutive presentations should be no more than 20 minutes. Ideally, budget 15 minutes for the presentation and about 3-4 minutes for Q&A. Short clarification Questions can be asked anytime during the presentation but the more long-winded questions should come only at the end. Each time will be shown a 2 minute warning sign before their 15 minutes are up.

3. The format in which the submission files are named and the content format is explained briefly in this blog post here. Kindly adhere to the same as far as possible. Use of slide animations, highlighting, multimedia etc to better make a point are welcome.

4. Only the PPTs that have been submitted prior to the blackboard dropbox deadline can be used for the presentations. We will bring the PPTs and load them a priori onto the Classroom computer. No laptop from your side would be required for the presentation.

5. Kindly ensure your entire group is present for the presentation and is reasonably up to date on and on-board with broad aspects of the project.

6. Some basic common-sensical ground rules - (i) Kindly refrain from entering or leaving the classroom when a presentation is in progress. It is needlessly distracting. Kindly use the interval between two presentations to exit/enter. (ii) Kindly feel free to ask questions from a group but no more than 1 question from 1 student/group to a presenting group.

7. Please sign and hand over the peer evaluation form to your section AAs anytime between Wednesday to Friday.

8. The evlauation criteria for Phase III include, broadly -
(A) The quality and clarity of the methodology
(B) Logical flow and consistency of Analysis
(C) Clarity of communication
(D) Handling of Q&A
(E) Quality of recommendations

Pls feel free to use whatever software works for you - MEXL, SAS, SPSS whatever.

Hope that clarifies.


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