Thursday, October 21, 2010

Quiz 1 for sections C & D


We had a 10 minute quiz based on the beer dataset for sections C and D today.

There were complaints that some haven't any prior familiarity with Pivots etc and hence are at a natural disadvantage in such a quiz. I broadly agree with the caveat that I'd opened the dataset to the class and the associated homework quite some time ago, put up links and online tutorials to lookup functions and pivot tables here on the blog days ago, and had repeatedly hinted the same might make its way into a quiz or exam. I would expect folks to work these issues out at that time itself.

However, after a conversation with the AA and in the interest of fairness, we have decided to

(i) run a special second quiz on the same topic for people who score between 0-2 out of the 8 marks assigned for the first 2 questions.

This second special quiz will be tougher than the preceding one, mind you.

(ii) have a tutorial based on demand.

Hope that clarifies and helps. Going fwd however, let me clarify that anything homework related should be do-able by you. If you can't do it, ask your group mates or the AA for help.

I shall soon putup raw data for the Ice cream dataset and release a list of practice/homework/ exercise questions. Again, I cannot guarantee that the concepts asked won't landup in a quiz or exam somewhere. For your midterm anyway, you should ensure that all the datasets released are loaded in your laptop.


  1. Sir,
    I don't understand the rationale behind a special quiz for people with 0-2 only...what is against people who scored say 3-4 or 5 for that matter which could be bad score in that individual's opinion!On the contrary a person scoring 0-2 might not even want a second quiz!

    In my opinion to be fair, anyone who wants to take the second quiz should be allowed to take it irrespective of his score!

    I know since section c might have best 2/4 quizzes it doesn't really matter but just felt like expressing my opinion on this :)

  2. Well,
    Thanks for the question, 'Rags'.

    Quiz 1 for C & D was binary - either you knew what to do or didn't. I doubt we'll see much in the 3-4 range as you say.

    As a matter of fact, we will open it to everybody who is willing to forego their score in quiz 1 for the first 2 questions.

    People who don't want to re-take the quiz are welcome not to.



Constructive feedback appreciated. Please try to be civil, as far as feasible. Thanks.