Monday, November 2, 2009

Websurvey live link


This is the link for the websurvey.

Its open now. and will close on Friday midnight.

Kindly mention the following things when soliciting responses :
(i) The respondent should select your group name from a drop down menu in one of the questions towards the end. So make sure they know your group name.
(ii) There is a lucky draw for a Rs 3000 gift cheque.
(iii)If anyone wants to see the results summary later, those can be shared.
(iv) Its an academic survey and full confidentiality regarding respondent information (names and mail IDs) will be maintained.

Pls maintain an excel sheet for your own records of who all you have approached and how many have responded. A follow up email or two wouldn't hurt terribly.

Am looking for 15 completed responses per student i.e. about 90 per group. More the merrier of course.

Good luck!



  1. I feel the group selection question should be the first one and worded differently. For e.g. we should say
    "One of your friends at ISB would have requested you to fill up this survey. You MUST know the name of the study-group of your friend to complete this survey. If you know it, select from the list below. If not, please check and come back later. You can always restart the survey using the same link!"

  2. Good point, vivek.

    I can add the extra prose to the group-name question but cannot change the order of questions w/o closing the survey. Let me add the prose then.


  3. Thanks Sudhir. The question is still not a "required" one. Lots of my contacts claim to have completed the survey without having needed to answer that question - so they were not complaining anyways. Asking them to fill the survey again would generate duplicate data.


Constructive feedback appreciated. Please try to be civil, as far as feasible. Thanks.