Monday, October 26, 2009

Google Doc for websurvey link submission


Pls ensure your group is in here and fil out a working websurvey link adjacent to it.

Google Doc for websurvey link submission

The edit access to this doc closes tuesday midnight. Don't wait till the last hour, though.

Also submit a word doc copy of your questionnaire at blackboard. Same deadline.


Added later:

Have requested additional info from you using the Google doc. 3 new fields have been added.

1. Total # Questions (including all possible SKIP paths) - add up all the questions that are there in the survey to give an idea of overall survey length.

2. Pls list any exploratory research efforts made prior to questionnaire design. Any secondary research on the web, (informal) interviews with people in the market for a car etc should be mentioned here.

3. Approx time in minutes it will take for a respondent to complete the longest string of questions possible.

Pls be candid in providing the additional info. Don't see what others have written and compete with that. The quality of the questionnaire and websurvey is all that will be graded.




  1. The google doc is open access and anyone can see everyone's questionnaire. Please come up with alternative scheme for submission of documents.

  2. lecture 6 is all statistics which we have done in term 1, could you do something new?

  3. OK. Am working on that right away.

    A tad hurried but should get there, I reckon.


Constructive feedback appreciated. Please try to be civil, as far as feasible. Thanks.