Saturday, October 17, 2009

Preliminary Case questions on the Coop case

Hi all,

Some preliminary case questions on the Chicken Coop case:

1. Summarize in a paragraph the major visible symptoms contributing to the 'mess' part of messy reality.

2. What are the possible decision problems that could explain the symptom(s)?

3. State the research objective that best fits the facts in the case for each of the possible decision problems (make any assumptions as necessary).

4. What are the options the decision maker currently has on his menu?

5. Which one would you go with? Why?

The Coop is among the better cases around on MKTR. Should you come up with any new, refreshing or markedly 'different' case questions for this case, do pls lemme know. Use the comments link below. Pls be assured most if not all comments are read and will be addressed as appropriate.

Shall collect feedback if any, make a 'final copy' of case questions for discussion, and will email these case questions to class on Sunday.


Got asked why cases are not being emphasized in MKTR much. Lemme first clarify that I've nothing against cases per se. In MKTR, I would say the 'dataset' is the case, whereas in subjects like, say, Strategy - the case is the dataset.
And lemme hurry to add that by 'dataset', I mean not just quant data but even qualitative 'data' like text/AV transcripts from interviews or focus groups. Check the 'Bank of America' case in the coursepack, for an illustration.

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