Sunday, October 25, 2009

Websurvey programming issues - aaj ka Mailbag

Got these emails with queries which I thought bear wider dissemination:

Dear Professor,
We are making the entire survey on with the if-then logic.
Do we need to submit a word doc for the questions as well? Explaining the same logic in the word doc might be a bit taxing.


My response:
Hi S,
No. There is no need to 'explain' skip logic in the word doc.

After you program the survey, the software produces a URL (a hyperlink) which can then be sent to potential respondents. When a respondent clicks on the link, the survey opens on his/her browser. Send me and the acad associates the websurvey link with the skip logic programmed in, after you have finished programming and testing the websurvey.

Just send in the soft copy in MS word of the questionnaire also. Would be useful when we are putting together the final questionnaire document.

Hope that clarifies.


In fact this is what the esurveyspro tutorial page itself says about data collection options
There are three options for collecting responses:

1. A URL is provided that you can simply cut and paste into your own email.
2. Code for an HTML link is provided that you can embed in a web page.
3. You can have SurveyPro send and track survey email invitations for you.

Very peaceful and user-friendly tutorial section, IMO. Plz go through it (I would estimate <30 minutes for the exercise). Here is a list of best practices for websurvey design. Of course we have to fit it within our time constraints.

Another one from V.
Hi Sudhir,

I am having a lot of problems in doing the skip logic for the web survey on EsurveysPro. I was wondering if you have any tutorial on skip logic either for this site or any other website. Please do let me know.


My response:
Hi V,
I just looked at the site and found this link for tutorials on how to create surveys. Somewhere there, the skip logic would be explained as well.

From what I recall of skip logic programming on the software package, you can get a skip from a particular answer choice in Q10 (say) to a particular page (and not a particular question). Of course that [page can contain only 1 question, so its fine. But the survey design must typically incorporate questions divided along pages and skips are to pages, not particular questions. That was in, not sure about how it works in esurveyspro, though.


Pls feel free to use the comments portion here to ask questions of me or the entire class, generate discussions, share tips and tricks, links etc.


Added later:

Alrite, am now looking through and a few things are noticeable straight off the bat.

Good set of common sense guidelines to question and answer framing can be found here.

In the features section, URL below,

it mentions that for free surveys also, "Powerful skip logic lets you jump to specified pages based on answers to prior questions" is provided. So we know the feature is provided.

Then I started looking around where in the tutorials section specifically this feature might have been explained. Turns out it is not.

Has anybody successfully programmed skip logic so far in the class? Plz email me ASAP. In any case would you be kind enough to share any resources/ help links for the same online? TIA.

Achcha, the websurvey submission deadline for the entire class shall be midnight Tuesday. By then these issues would have been resolved, hopefully.


1 comment:

  1. Just heard from Saurabh Goyal that he has incorporated SKIP logic into the esurveyspro software.

    This shows essentially that:

    1. SKIP works on free accounts in esurveypro

    2. There is one who has done it and who can be contacted over email (I presume).



Constructive feedback appreciated. Please try to be civil, as far as feasible. Thanks.